piątek, 5 grudnia 2008

La cuisine seychelloise

A la base de la cuisine des Seychelles – les poissons, le riz, les fruits et les legumes. Tant que j’ai habité chez une famille locale, j’ai eu pas mal d’opportunités à approfondir mes connaissances gastronomiquesJ. Déjà, le jardin était une ouverture au monde des noix de coco, christophines (photo ci-dessous), fruits de cacao, bananes, etc.
Aux environs de là où j’habitais – les brousses aux fraises-pays et les arbres-jackfruit. Les proches de ma famille d’accueil leur fournissaient du poisson, qu’ils préparaient avec beaucoup d’attention. Au marché Bazar-Labrin on m’a aussi fait goûter aux particularités telles que le baka (“jungle juice” ou liqueur fait maison), les bananes frites et le satini requin – dont la recette ci-dessous.
Fish, rice, fruit, and veggies are at the heart of the Seselwa cuisine. Staying with a local family, I had many opportunities to deepen my culinary knowledge:-). Already the garden was the gate to the kingdom of coconuts, christophines (photo below), cocoa fruits, bananas, etc.
In the area – wild strawberry plants and jackfruit trees. The relatives of my host family often brought some fish, which was later prepared with special care. At the market-place Bazar-Labrin I was also introduced to such particularities like baka (“jungle juice” or home-made liquor), banana chips, and shark chutney – the recipe of which - below.
Satini requin / Shark chutney:
1) Boil the shark meat for about 30 mins.
2) Pour out the water and leave the meat to cool down.
3) Clean the meat, remove the skin.
4) Cut the meat into small pieces.
5) Squeeze with a piece of cloth and remove the excess water.
6) Possibly add some mango or "fruit citère" (cut into small pieces, and having removed the excess water).
7) Add sliced onion.
8) Add herbs and spices: thyme, parsley, salt, pepper, chilli (but no garlic or ginger)
9) Heat the wok with some oil.
10) Cook until the fruit and onion become "glossy."
11) Serve with rice, breadfruit, manyok, or boiled bananas.

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